What to expect from me as your PARDP Network Chair

Nicole So
3 min readOct 30, 2020

My vision for the PARDP Network is clear.

As the PARDP Network Chair, I want to build a strong foundation for the PARDP Network to grow, support the professional development and the wellbeing of PARDPs, help the Network carry out its mandate of building a strong and vibrant community, and pursue the interest of the Network members.

Building a strong foundation for the PARDP Network to grow and for PARDPs to thrive

I appreciate the hard work that many have undertaken to bring this program to where it is today. Now, I believe we have the potential to build upon these achievements together. As the Network Chair, my aim would be to:

  • Contribute toward an environment that upholds the values of open dialogue, transparency, accountability, inclusivity, and equity. I believe these shared values, along with a spirit of creativity and dedication, will serve to create a Network that represents the desires of our diverse PARDP community and support the PARDP Network Chairs as they work toward creating a rewarding experience for us all.
  • Build strong relationships with the PARDP Management team, the PARDP Steering Committee, other departmental Networks (e.g. Young Professionals Network, Pride Network, Visible Minority Advisory Committee). I believe the PARDP Network can be instrumental in shaping the direction of the program and the opportunities we will encounter in the coming months.
  • Ensure we prioritize events and programs that are tailored to YOUR needs and interests by surveying PARDPs to gather feedback and ideas.

Supporting PARDPs’ professional development and well-being

As the next generation of policy leaders, you are crucial players in shaping policy. To complement the comprehensive learning and development curriculum of PARDP, I will work with the PARDP Network Chairs to expand the learning and development opportunities and to ensure that PARDPs are well-equipped with the skills and tools necessary to exceed as effective policy practitioners whilst supporting good work-life balance. I aim to:

  • Work with the Learning and Development Chairs to identify learning opportunities and resources, and supercharge your professional development opportunities beyond the curriculum (e.g. shadowing a senior leader, co-hosting speaker series with departmental networks, organizing second-language mixers, organizing workshops to build the skills such as effective writing and briefing, design thinking and data literacy).
  • Identify wellbeing-related concerns and collaborate on Network- and Department-wide events/initiatives to support the health, wellness and well-being of PARDPs (e.g. virtual yoga sessions, PARDP games night, wine o’clock mixers, group community volunteering initiatives).
  • Promote mentoring relationships through launching a pilot Tri-Mentorship program to pair first and second-year PARDPs, who are in turn matched with a senior colleague or manager in the department.

Fostering a strong and vibrant community for PARDPs

I recognize that it can be difficult to connect with peers and colleagues and find a sense of belonging. These challenges have been further exacerbated by the current remote working environment, where it is even harder to get to know other PARDPs and colleagues in the department. As your Network Chair, I am committed to building a strong and vibrant community for PARDPS and aim to:

  • Advocate for diversity, inclusion and bilingualism and ensure the PARDP Network is a safe and inclusive space for its members to thrive in. I this can be achieved through engaging in conversations and listening deeply to the needs and interests of the Network members. I would bring to the position my professional skills as well as my personal values of empathy, equity and integrity as I have in my previous work.
  • Work with the Communications Chair to develop a comprehensive communication strategy for resource and information dissemination (e.g. newsletter, PARDP events calendar, revamping the PARDP Slack channels).
  • Develop a plan to build and maintain meaningful relationships between the Network, current PARDPs and alumni.
  • Help PARDPs make new the right connections and build meaningful relationships through by launching PARDP (Virtual) Coffee Connections to effectively match PARDPs with other colleagues based on their goals and interests.

With your support, I look forward to serving you.

Thank you for your consideration.

I served as the Vice President of Student Development of the UBC Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs (MPPGA) Student Association from 2017–2018.



Nicole So

Policy wonk at NRCan (ZEV policy and RD&D program). Hong Kong born, Vancouver bred. Proud UBC Alumnus. Will travel for bubble tea, ramen and ice cream.